Increase motivation

External or extrinsic motivation driven by praise, rewards, recognition, or money can be very effective in certain situations or as a short-term change or performance enhancer. However, relying solely on external or extrinsic motivation can sometimes leave a person floundering in ambivalence or stagnation if such external reinforcement decreases or no longer exists.

The coaching process helps to surface and connect to intrinsic motivation - that which is personally important, aligns with personal values/interests and is personally satisfying. It provides the internal stimulus for change that leads to growth and improved performance. Coaching utilizes a collaborative, thought- provoking process to elicit and explore the client’s own arguments for change while creating the necessary awareness of the need for change, the personal benefits of change, a belief in their capacity to change and increasing their willingness to change.

The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you’re not going to stay where you are. — J.P. Morgan, Financier and Investment Banker, Founder of J.P. Morgan and Co.